1. Texas hospital gets a man from Liberia who is sick. Liberia has Ebola. They send him home. He comes back. He’s dead now. Reports indicate he lied about his contact with Ebola (He might have carried a sick woman.) He lied becauase he thought he wouldn’t get into the U.S. otherwise. But after getting in, his best chance was to tell the truth and get help.But no end of stupidity here. The hospital had him, saw him ill but sent him home. Why? Because he lied or because they didn’t check further?
2. The Secret Service and Homeland Security (and oh, White House general security)
Man jumps the fence, eludes dozens of guards, enters the White House, goes into several rooms, maybe used the bathroom, for all we know.
Only non-stupid thing: they didn’t kill him. He’s a decorated war vet with PTSD.
3. A little annoyed at the Hyundai ad running with the Guardian Angel alerting a car driver to break so he doesn’t crash into a truck ahead of him. The guy has a new car, two small daughters in the back seat. He’s looking out the window, not really paying attention to driving and he is stopped just in time. He turns around, sees the girls’ GA.
Angel says, “I’m not late, am I?”
Driver says something like “Little bit.”
Whole point of the GA is to help when you are in danger. There’s no rule about the GA having to be there 10 min early.
If you are going to use a device such as Deus Ex Machina in an ad campaign (or otherwise), use it correctly, not in a stupid way.
4. Is anyone else tired of the Dodge Ram truck ads: Deep, deep-voiced guy says “Guts, Glory” etc. For a truck. Right. And the ad runs ALLL the time.
5. Are we not getting reaaaaly tired of the Home Hardware ads and the sappy music?
6. And the Trivago travel guy. He’s getting a lot of flack because he needs a shave and a belt, his pants are baggy, his shirt doesn’t fit and his hair is messy. So many people have yelled at Trivago that they are going to do a whole new ad campaign to source the guy up. Getting attention, though, which is the main point of advertising.
7. Note on the new TV season. How to Get Away with Murder.
Yikes. This is produced by the woman who does Scandal which is basically “allo, Police!?” on TV. (That’s a Quebec scandal sheet–or it used to be! Great name, right?)
There are so many bad things about this show that it would take two hours to point them out. Just one:
Woman is a lawyer and teaches law at university. She asks her class what is the most important thing in a muder trial. Everybody offers an opinion and she bats them all down and gives her answer.
She teaches this course every semester. Nobody has heard this question?
Nobody knows anybody who took her class before and can get the answer and make a good impression?
She HIRES the people who make a good impressions.
They ALL want to make good impressions.
They are law students so presumably would have the brains to do this. (Let’s not go there. Conventional wisdom.)
This in the first five minutes. Lost me after that.
Is the audience THAT stupid?
As stupid as the students?
As stupid as the writers?
As stupid as the writers THINK the audience is?
8. The CTV National News sting. Just before the anchor speaks there is this volcanic, triumphalist music sting. I have to mute it. I get that it’s an identifier and all, but change the thing occasionally or tone down the drama!
Anything stupid bugging you?
Drop me a line and I’ll add it to the next Stupid File Rant!
Frank Daley
356 Westridge Drive , Waterloo, Ontario, Canada