FREE UNTIL JAN 30TH ON AMAZON! Writers, here’s my book on how to promote your work free on Facebook author and reader group sites. The book is free. The process is free and it’s stress-free! OK, you have to do a little work! But all it takes is your time to promote your […]
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Kristen Lamb’s Blog Real Writers Don’t Self-Publish—Part 2 Kristen Lamb, a writer and writer coach has the second of two pieces on whether real writers self-publish “All righty, so last time in Real Writers Don’t Self-Publish we talked about a lot of myths that surround publishing in general and I promised to delve deeper into […]
FREE BOOK PROMO BOOK FOR THREE DAYS! I wrote it because I need to research it to promote my own work (selling books ain’t easy…they say a book is published every 5 minutes on Amazon!). Not my usual topics–self-knowledge, self-development, self-growth, etc. but necessary for me to do. If you download it (you might […]
Student suicide. Is one related to you? Attawapiskat’s fear is everywhere.
STUDENT SUICIDE Is one child related to you? Students are suffering from anxiety, depression, loneliness, and peer, parental and societal pressure. They suffer from suicidal thoughts and feelings. They are “handling it” by inflicting self-harm. Is everything OK? Definitely not. The current terrible situation in Attiwapiskat, a native community in Northern Ontario, is dramatic horrifying and heart wrenching. There have […]

Latino Students Instrumental In Record Low Dropout Rates
The U.S. saw its lowest high school dropout numbers last year, and this is being driven in large part by the steep decline in dropout numbers among Latino as well as African American students, according to a Pew Research report based on Census data. The Hispanic dropout rate reached a record low of 14 percent […]

How to be a better parent than you had.
This doesn’t apply to everyone, of course! But some people blame their parents for screwing up their lives. Hey, it happens. (A lot!) Some people take the negligent way their parents raised them to make things better for their children. That is dificult but it can be done. Here’s an article by Holly Brown on […]

There is no such thing as self-help but maybe you need it anyway!
There is no such thing as self-help. But maybe you need it anyway! “If you got help, you did not do it yourself and if you did it yourself, you didn’t need it.” (George Carlin) I love this! On the other hand, Maybe you need it anyway! ANY OF THESE THINGS BOTHER YOU? If you […]
How to find the right life partner? Self-Knowledge: (Part 2 of 2) Finding love in all the right places.
Finding love in all the right places. Not online! Start by looking inside, not outside. Find right life partner. Becoming a successful person does not mean becoming wealthy like those characters who are hiding their money offshore and avoiding taxes. Of course, we all need a certain amount of money to live, but restricting success to that materialistic definition […]
You Do have to love yourself before you can love another person.
You have to love yourself before you can love another person An open letter to Sheena Sharma and everyone else who believes you can love someone else before you love y0urself. Dear Sheena, Actually, you Do have to love yourself before you can love another. Sometimes articles are so full of implicit wrongheaded density that replying […]
Going to bed angry? Is it hurting your relationship?
There’s an old saying: Never go to bed angry.” A coda was “Because other person could die in the night.” Chances are slim, but they occur. Well that happened to Hanna Engle’s sister and she and Jake Engle write about it on Psych Central. She talks about “reology”or the art of the Re-Do (or apology). […]