Many people have sleep problems of one kind or another.
There is an astonishingly high percentage of people who have trouble sleeping for one reason or another. It is in the order of 40 million people in the U.S. You may have a problem yourself or you know someone who does.
I have a sleep problem called sleep apnea which is a extraordinarily stupid condition that requires me to wear a small “breathing’ contraption over my nose. Don’t do it and serious problems arise with regard to heart, mood, fatigue etc.
It is mind-numbing and annoying to have to wear this thing to bed so you can breathe properly and not die overnight.
It affects many.If you hear of huge, well-conditioned, otherwise healthy NFL football players dying in bed, think sleep apnea.
When I was younger I didn’t have a problem sleeping. I just didn’t do it much.
In college I slept 5 hours a night. I loved what I was doing and I hated to stop. Later on I went to six hours and now I sleep seven. Apparently, I’m in the right sleep time zone now!
I also was extremely aware of how important time was. Clearly, I didn’t know enough about it but I knew it was important and I was always interested in the nature of time.
But new studies indicate that sleep problems exist when we under sleep OR over sleep.
In other words, you can sleep wrong or right
Research published in the academic journal Sleep showing that the risk of high blood pressure is more than three times greater among those who sleep for less than six hours a night, and that women who have less than four hours of sleep are twice as likely to die from heart disease. Richard Wiseman writes about it in The Guardian
Having trouble sleeping? Is it affecting your work? Or your relationships?
Contact me for a free 20 minute chat.
Maybe I can help.
P.S. In the meantime, here s the best and latest guideline for getting a good night’s sleep.
It’s free. You can print it immediately from here.
Frank Daley
356 Westridge Drive , Waterloo, Ontario, Canada