Problem-solving is a problem!
But that problem just got solved!
My book, What’s Your problem, No, Really, What IS Your Problem, The Sherlock Holmes GuideLuxe to Problem Identification, has just been published in a French translation worldwide.
The translation is by Caroline Begin
This problem-solving little book is now on Tolino, Scribd, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Nook, Apple and Amazon in French
Here it is on Barnes and Noble:
Problem-solving in English on Amazon. CLICK HERE
This little book can help you determine the problem you are really trying to solve, instead of the one you think you should be solving!
I assure you, this will help you demolish three blocks (mental, emotional and psychological) that cloud our judgement when trying to solve a serious problem.
(Not how to make a good spaghetti sauce. That problem you can look up!)
This book can have you seeing clearly in just a few minutes.
Ten at the most!
Need help with it?
Just Email me:
P.S. My college students said this was the best thing they learned in two years!