Know Yourself: Six Reasons we don’t
NO.1 “I’m not smart enough.
“I’m not smart enough” or “I’m not good enough” is not true.
I’ll give six reasons in this little series on the topic, Why People don’t know themselves.
Maybe you have said some of these to yourself.
Here’s the first reason:
“Only great, learned, wise people can do it “
This comes down to, “I’m not smart enough to do it.”
Or, I’m not good enough.
Or, I’m not educated enough.
We know that philosophers, poets, some writers, theologians, learned people, wise men and women can do it but that’s not me.
Know Yourself: But I’m not good enough.
This argument says: Only great people are capable of understanding themselves, going inside to learn more about themselves and relating it to the world around them.
That’s not true either.
Anybody can do it!
I’m not smart enough to know myself.
They think self-knowledge is only for people with PhDs or gurus who sit on mountain tops in India diapers. Well, think about ratcheting that knowledge up about a thousand times and you start to really know yourself and see your great potential when you discover the real, authentic you!
You can do this and I can help.
Your self-esteem will rise and so will self-love.
For a free chat, Email me:
If you could do this by yourself, you would have done it by now.
Let’s start right now!
Email me for a free conversation about you (and OK, me!)