Don’t know Yourself?
No, because you think you know yourself already.
Here’s a fifth reason for that.
Some people don’t bother trying to know themselves more because they say that they know themselves already.
This is No 5 in a 6-part series of why people don’t get to know themselves well.
Good for you if you do know yourself.
You belong to a small club.
Many say they know themselves, but most people are deluding themselves.
(The guy pictured is definitely deluded!)
We think, at the beginning of this journey, this search for our real selves, that there is evidence we already know ourselves.
We know what
- food
- movies
- clothes
- TV shows
- and political parties we like
We know what our favorite colour is and our favorite drink, restaurant, dinner, book, game and sports team is.
But this is a superficial notion of what we are and who we are.
What about our use of time?
Or whether we procrastinate too much?
How much do we know about ourselves in relation to values?
What do we value? Do we value those things we spend the most time on? What if that is work and we don’t like our work?
Do we know what we value most?
Time, people, our children, our spouse, our religion?
We all die and if we don’t know why we’ve lived it’s a bit late to start thinking about it when we’re 89.
What about relationships we had and abandoned? (Some of this is natural but some of it is laziness or failure to respond to a previous conflict, that upon reflection doesn’t matter much.
There are deep things within all of us and we are e happiest when we discover them and act upon them.
If you have been putting off getting to know you, there is no time like the present!
I can help you do it. And you will love it! (The whole process revolves around your favorite person–YOU!
Not in a mean-spiiritied or selfish way, but in a sensible, helpful way.
The benefits are a better use of your time, a reduction in procrastination, a feeling of engagement with life on your own terms.
You wil also get a feeling of not suffering fools gladly because there are taking up precious time you want to devote to other, more important, more meaningful things.
You will will also be able to choose a mate properly.
And choose your career correctly.
Not small benefits!
Get to know yourself at Self-Knowledge College
Contact me for a free 20 minutes conversation to see if this is right for you.
Email me :
I’ll be with you.
Frank P.S. Here’s the fourth reason people don’t know themselves.