Ten Kinds of Smart How smart am I? And how can I find out?
Part 3 of a four part series on finding out How Smart You are and in what ways you are smart
Part one: Smart: ten ways. Part 1 How Smart Are You? How are You Smart?
Part two: Multiple Intelligences: Ten Kinds of Smart–Pt. 2 how are you smart? (You are!)
How smart am I?
And How can I find out?
(Here are some ways to do it; it’s more complicated, than this, of course, but this is a good introduction to the process.)
Here’s a short task. The Good/ Not Good exercise
People are usually much better at saying what they are not good at than what they are good at. I’m asking you to be excellent at recognizing what you are good at.
It’s also sometimes easier to figure out what you are not than what you are.
It might be
- easier to determine what you don’t want than what you do.
- you don’t know what you are until you know what you are not.
- you won’t know what you want until you know what you don’t
- Take out a piece of paper and on the left hand side at the top, write down GOOD AT. Then underneath the title, write down the things you think or feel that you good at. These can be anything from cooking to math, from sailing to chemistry. It doesn’t matter how big or small the thing is. It could be you know how to make a good spaghetti sauce, or knit, or learn computer skills fast. Really, it doesn’t matter what the thing is but give it a little thought! And be truthful. If you are good at something write it down! None of that hiding your light under bushels nonsense. This has to be accurate but it doesn’t have to be big!
- Give yourself 5 minutes; use a timer. Number them down the left hand side of the page.
- When the five minutes are up, move over to the top right hand of the page and write NOT GOOD AT. Then, write down the things you feel you are NOT good at. Use the same lines and numbers as before but use the right hand side of the page this time.
If you are like most people, the things you feel you are NOT good at will outnumber the things you think you ARE good at. This will prove you are not aware of all your strengths!
Imagine how you will feel when you get to know yourself and find out all your hidden strengths, talents and abilities!
Self-Knowledge will do that for you!
When you do , youll get a short book called Four Questions to Change Your Life!
After you read it you will know whether you want more from me or not. Pretty simple.
I’m not going to sell you anything. You will either want this material or you don’t need it.
Here’s a link to a Strengths Test. This will help you discover strengths you might not know you have.
(strengths test.)
You are smart and I can prove it.
Join me at Self-Knowledge College and together we’ll figure out your smarts!
Next: Part four of Ten Kinds Of Smart: A quiz on childhood likes, strengths and smarts.
Yes it’s true…we are not aware of all of our strength
To attain perfection, we ignore the amazing things that happen in our lives
Right Memoona.